"The cardinal rule in Washington is if the other guy is committing suicide, get out of the way." - Charles Krauthammer
October 31, 2009
Terry Hawthorne Doesn't Quit
Sixty thousand groaned collectively. Groaned collectively at a scene displayed so many times before. A scene at once routine and familiar, while at the same time singularly capable of providing fresh despair no matter how many times it's been witnessed previously. A flash of maize and blue, an unassuming field of green. A winged helmeted interloper from the north, racing unimpeded towards the goal. As sixty thousand groaned collectively, heads in hands, fists clenched in helpless rage, Terry Hawthorne gave chase.
For seventy six yards Terry Hawthorne pursued, chasing, not quitting...closing. And for what? To turn a seventy-seven yard touchdown pass into a mere seventy-six yard reception? To tackle the receiver at the goal line, denying him his prize, only to reward Mighty Michigan with three (or four) opportunities to hammer it in from inside the one?
Terry Hawthorne contested those seventy-six yards so his teammates would have a chance to make a stand over the final eighteen inches. And make a stand they did.
After fending off the Wolverines on four attempts from inside the one yard line, the offense took over and marched ninety-nine yards to take the lead. Michigan didn't score again.
An obvious benefit of competition is it's ability to teach us lessons that extend to and inspire us in our daily lives. Lessons that can sometimes be elusive or vague, consisting of a reward perhaps only realized over time, or one mired in statistics, measured in wins or losses. The true wonder, however, lies in those rare occasions when the lesson is stripped naked of pretext and associations, it's existence devoid of nuance and complexity, impossible to miss. The lesson that one person, refusing to give up, can make a difference. A lesson that I witnessed firsthand today in the most remarkable 5 minutes of college football I've ever seen. Read more here
October 29, 2009
Obama Honors Fallen Soldiers At Dover AFB

Obama Meets With Families Of Eighteen Fallen Soldiers
Some may call it a photo-op, or characterize it as an attempt to save face, or just another smoke screen to divert attention from the real issue of Afghan troop levels. To all that would criticize, I would simply ask, wouldn't you judge him twice as harshly if he didn't go at all?
For me, there certain events, occasions, or duties that transcend partisan dissent or ideological dissimilarities. President Obama meeting with families, writing letters, and making personal phone calls to the loved ones of American heroes who have given the last full measure, is one of those occasions. There will be detractors, no doubt, but today I'm proud of our Commander in Chief.
Read more here
October 28, 2009
Obama Supporters
From Glenn Beck...
They've had progressive leadership in Detroit for almost half a century. What has that leadership brought to Detroit? 17% unemployment, the highest homicide rate in the nation, one third of it's residents live in poverty, fewer than 6 in 10 graduated from high school last year, the median price for a home in Detroit is $7100. Progressive policies are keeping these people in slavery. Slavery to government, welfare, affirmative action, regulation, control.
October 22, 2009
Don't Know Much About (space) History...
...The Congressional bonehead award goes to Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) who, on a visit to JPL, asked if Mars Pathfinder had taken an image of the flag planted there in 1969 by Neil Armstrong! Quipped Rep. Vernon Ehlers (R-MI) to the Washington Times: "We just don't teach enough science." Worse, Jackson Lee, who represents Houston, is a member of the House Science Committee's space subcommittee. Perhaps some committee reassignments are in order...
Read more here
All Reverends Look The Same To Contessa Brewer
Racist or just stupid? If this had happened over at Fox there'd be sit ins and protests, as it stands, the girl who once said "republicans think Americans are idiots" just proved who the real idiot is.
October 21, 2009
Whats The Difference Between Rahm Emanuel And Juan Epstein?
Newt Gingrich says,
"They're trying to distract the country. Imagine if your're Rahm Emanuel and you think, I can talk about unemployment rising or have a fight with Fox News and next week I can talk about health care being too expensive or I can pick a fight with Rush Limbaugh. They have a deliberate policy of trying to find a way to keep the news media focused on trivia in order to not deal with the real issues, because the real issues are all going bad for them right now."Well said Mr. Speaker.
October 20, 2009
The Iran Attack Plan

When the Israeli army's then-Deputy Chief of Staff Dan Halutz was asked in 2004 how far Israel would go to stop Iran's nuclear program, he replied: "2,000 kilometers," roughly the distance been the two countries.
Read the details here
Real Racism Comes From The Left
Evidently racism and sexism is acceptable, as long as you're protecting a leftist, politically correct agenda.
Unintended Consequences?

As Rahm and the White House put their smear campaign into high gear, Fox News' ratings continue to improve. Here's the Oct 19th primetime cable news ratings, with Fox News beating all the other networks combined. Has this administration attempted anything that hasn't had the opposite effect?
FNC – 2,055,000 viewers
CNN— 622,000 viewer
MSNBC –678,000 viewers
CNBC – a scratch w/ 99,000 viewers
HLN – 548,000 viewers
CNN Poll: Half The Country Disagrees With Obama On Issues

October 15, 2009
I Recollected That Her Eye Excelled In Brightness

I recollected that her eye excelled in brightness, that of any other animal, and that she has no eye-lids—She may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance.—She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage. As if anxious to prevent all pretensions of quarreling with her, the weapons with which nature has furnished her, she conceals in the roof of her mouth, so that, to those who are unacquainted with her, she appears to be a most defenseless animal; and even when those weapons are shewn and extended for her defense, they appear weak and contemptible; but their wounds however small, are decisive and fatal:—Conscious of this, she never wounds till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her. Was I wrong, Sir, in thinking this a strong picture of the temper and conduct of America?
Benjamin Franklin 1775
October 11, 2009
October 4, 2009
Rahm Emanuel on the President’s Olympic Pitch; "We’ll Make Sure (Critics) Get Some Good Seats”

He's only the most recent foot-in-mouth crybaby in an gaffe prone administration full of partisan, juvenile, thin-skinned underachievers. Tell you what Rahm, throw in some Portuguese lessons with those seats and you got a deal! Read more here
October 3, 2009
Happy Anniversary

Remember last year when The One got his own anniversary date wrong? Just a reminder Barack, this is number 17. And unlike what you did for the British PM, try to pick her up a gift from somewhere other than the White House gift shop.
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