"The cardinal rule in Washington is if the other guy is committing suicide, get out of the way." - Charles Krauthammer
March 25, 2010
Bill O'Reilly Lets Anthony Weiner Off The Hook
Anthony Weiner thinks he's as intimidating as Rahm Emanuel (at least to Democrats) and as smart as Paul Ryan. He's neither. All he can do is repeat his Pelosi talking points. And with good reason; Dems know that the IRS expanded role in enforcing the insurance mandate is toxic. The mere mention strikes fear in nearly all segments of society. Weiner cries about Republicans using scare tactics to spread misinformation and lies, and yet when he's asked five times to clarify one of the most controversial aspects of the health care bill, he retreats to the typical democrat ploy of avoidance.
March 23, 2010
Ask What Your Country Can Do For You - Obama Care 'Just Like Christmas'

From WRAL North Carolina
Durham, N.C. — Uninsured Triangle residents said Monday that they eagerly await the overhaul of the nation's health care system.
"It's just going to be like Christmas," said DeCarlo Flythe, who lost health coverage for his family when he was laid off almost three years ago. "It's going to be great. You know, no worries (about) the bills. We are going to go ahead and pay our co-pay and be alright."
Flythe, a diabetic, said he checked into buying a policy for his family, but he couldn't afford it. He recently landed another job, but the new benefits haven't kicked in yet.
"I worry day to day, honestly," he said. "I pray to make sure my child or my wife don't' get sick because, if they go to the hospital, we are looking at a couple of thousand (dollars in bills)."
Flythe was among the patients Monday at the Walltown Clinic, a joint program of Duke University and Lincoln Community Health Center that serves the low-income neighborhoods near Duke's campus. The clinic serves 3,000 to 4,000 patients a year – 80 percent don't have health insurance – and charges co-pays based on what patients can afford.
"People will come in and say, 'I suddenly don't have a job. I've lost my insurance. Can you help me?'" said Kaity Granda, a physician's assistant at the clinic.
Norman Rucker said he hasn't had health insurance in almost 10 years because his employers haven't offered it.
"I'm not a person who gets sick a lot, so I didn't think I'd need any medicine," said Rucker, who racked up about $100,000 in hospital bills over that period by going to the emergency room whenever he needed care. "I'm trying to pay them off. Collection agencies call me all the time."
Rucker's wife has insurance, but the couple couldn't afford to put him on the policy. Now, he's excited he may also have coverage because of health care reform.
"It'll make the world better. It'll make us all better, actually," he said.
Remember these people?
Glen Beck,
"They've had progressive leadership in Detroit for almost half a century. What has that leadership brought to Detroit? 17% unemployment, the highest homicide rate in the nation, one third of it's residents live in poverty, fewer than 6 in 10 graduated from high school last year, the median price for a home in Detroit is $7100. Progressive policies are keeping these people in slavery. Slavery to government, welfare, affirmative action, regulation, control."Our fellow citizens indeed.
The New Deal, The Fair Deal, The New Frontier, The Great Society, The Big Fucking Deal...Biden Drops F-Bomb at Historic Signing
From the Guardian
The vice-president's loose lips fail him again as a microphone picks up an Anglo-Saxon aside meant for Obama's ears
Joe Biden is famous for having a mouth that out-runs his brain from time to time, and so it proved again, as the vice-president was caught exclaiming in no uncertain terms live on national television.
After introducing the president at the signing ceremony for healthcare reform legislation at the White House today, Biden turned and embraced his boss while excitedly whispering into Obama's ear: "This is a big fucking deal!" Loudly enough to be picked up by the cameras and microphones in the East Room. Fox News was the first to pick up on Biden's blooper, and repeatedly ran the clip (above). Biden can clearly be heard saying the phrase around the nine-second mark.
Headline taken from Andy Levy
Debbie Halvorson, Are You Listening? - Adam Kinzinger Plans 'Repeal & Restart' Health Care Town Hall Tour
From the Ottawa Daily Times
Republican Congressional candidate Adam Kinzinger has announced a "Repeal & Restart" health care town hall tour for area residents to discuss what they want repealed from recent legislation and areas of reform they would like from Congress to restart the discussions "in a more bipartisan manner."
The three-day tour will include a meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 23 at Pitstick Pavilion in Ottawa. Other stops include New Lenox on Monday, March 22 and Bourbonnais on Wednesday, March 24.
"Just a few days ago, (U.S. Rep.) Debbie Halvorson (D-Crete) announced she was reading the bill before deciding how to vote," said Kinzinger in a press release. "Her vote (Sunday night) is proof that she either loved what she read or caved to political pressure from party leaders.
"No matter the reason," said the candidate from Manteno, "Debbie Halvorson now owns this bill – Medicare cuts, tax increases, the whole thing. This is just bad public policy and the people of her district will remember come November how she turned her back on them yet again."
"This is the latest in a series of votes made by Debbie Halvorson that went against the wishes of her constituents. Last November, Halvorson voted for the House version of the health care bill that was overwhelmingly rejected by the American people."
"(Sunday night), she had an opportunity to correct her mistake by voting against this bill but being the consistent liberal she has proven herself to be, Halvorson chose party loyalty, massive spending, higher taxes and substantial cuts to Medicare – just as she did last November."
Almost without fail at every campaign stop, Kinzinger stresses that Halvorson has "yet to hold open town hall meetings with her constituents on health care."
Debbie Halvorson; elected by the people, for the people, yet she refuses to meet with the people. It's nice to finally see a candidate who's not afraid to talk with and listen to the voters.
March 22, 2010
Debbie Halvorson - Smart Enough To Vote Her Conscience?
The first time I listened to this, I was convinced it was some type of comedy routine, with someone impersonating the Congresswoman.
"I wish more elected officials felt like me. I do what I do because of what I am doing now."
I used to have this idea that our elected officials, at least members of congress, were our best and brightest. Attorneys, doctors, mayors, governors, etc. Listening to her cackle when Don Wade tells her she's gonna be out of a job, is anyone surprised to find out that Debbie Halvorson used to sell cosmetics for 14 years?
I challenge anyone to listen to the interview above and say that they would be proud and happy to be represented by this person.
March 20, 2010
Obama Kiss Of Death? Presidential Bracket Busted!

Northern Iowa upsets No.1 Kansas, 69-67, moves on to Sweet 16
To an ever growing list that includes Coakley in Massachusettts, Corzine in New Jersey, Deeds in Virginia, and Mayor Daley in Copenhagen, we can now add the University of Kansas basketball team. Earlier in the week Obama said he will not campaign for any Democrat congressmen who didn't vote for health care reform. I wonder if any of them asked to get his promise in writing.
March 19, 2010
Russians Helping Iranians Build Nuke Plant

From Breitbart
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and her Russian counterpart clashed openly Thursday over the planned launch this summer of Iran's first, Russian-built nuclear power plant, highlighting a split in views over how to steer Iran away from nuclear weapons.
Clinton did not criticize the long-delayed project directly but said the Obama administration is opposed to the timing of the nuclear plant's startup. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced the summer startup plans on Thursday, shortly after Clinton arrived for a two-day visit.
The nuclear plant is an example of Russian-Iranian economic ties and technical cooperation, on terms that have long made the United States uncomfortable. It was a background issue during a difficult period in U.S.-Russian relations last year and in the ongoing U.S.-led effort to bring new United Nations economic penalties against Iran over suspicions that part of its nuclear program is aimed at building a bomb.
Putin's announcement adds another complication to the already long list of issues on which Clinton and her Russian hosts don't agree.
Double standard? Consider the contrasts. Last week the Israelis announce they want to build some houses and the White House issues condemnations and a barrage of threats. Now the Russians tell us they're completing work on a nuclear power plant on behalf of the largest state sponsor of terrorism and Hillary rolls over.
Debbie Halvorson, Are You Listening? - Caterpillar Says Health Care Bill Would Cost It $100M Per Year
Caterpillar Inc. said the health-care overhaul legislation being considered by the U.S. House of Representatives would increase the company's health-care costs by more than $100 million in the first year alone.
In a letter Thursday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio, Caterpillar urged lawmakers to vote against the plan "because of the substantial cost burdens it would place on our shareholders, employees and retirees."
The Peoria-based company said these provisions would increase its insurance costs by at least 20 percent, or more than $100 million, just in the first year of the health-care overhaul program.
"We can ill-afford cost increases that place us at a disadvantage versus our global competitors," said the letter signed by Gregory Folley, vice president and chief human resources officer of Caterpillar. "We are disappointed that efforts at reform have not addressed the cost concerns we've raised throughout the year."
Business executives have long complained that the options offered for covering 32 million uninsured Americans would result in higher insurance costs for those employers that already provide coverage. Opponents have stepped up their attacks in recent days as the House moves closer toward a vote on the Senate version of the health-care legislation.
A letter Thursday to President Barack Obama and members of Congress signed by more than 130 economists predicted the legislation would discourage companies from hiring more workers and would cause reduced hours and wages for those already employed.
Caterpillar noted that the company supports efforts to increase the quality and the value of health care for patients as well as lower costs for employer-sponsored insurance coverage.
"Unfortunately, neither the current legislation in the House and Senate, nor the president's proposal, meets these goals," the letter said.
I'm waiting to hear what Debbie Halvorson has to say about this, given how she's always saying her focus is on families. How many Illinois jobs will be lost over this? How many families will be forced out of work? Debbie Halvorson has said, "Families in this district are working harder and harder for less and less. They don’t need empty promises; they need real solutions right now." If Pelosi, Halvorson, and Obama get their way, people won't be working at all. And this is her "real" solution? This bill (along with her flip on cap and trade) will have devastating and long term effects not just on manufacturing, but small business and consumers as well. In other words, families. Illinois families. The unemployment, foreclosures, raised taxes and higher premiums soon to be suffered by Illinois families will be on your hands Congresswoman. And your conscience.
March 18, 2010
Tom Coburn; A Senator With A Spine
Senator Tom Coburn warned members of the House of Representatives that Republican senators will watch carefully for any deals the White House or Democratic leaders make with members in exchange for their votes.
March 17, 2010
Israeli's Hang Posters Declaring Obama 'Agent Of PLO'

From Haaretz.com (think Israeli MSNBC)
A group of far-right activists on Tuesday announced their plan to hang hundreds of posters across the country depicting U.S. President Barack Obama under the headline "agent of the PLO." The banner is already on display in the office of National Union MK Michael Ben Ari.
"The poster is within the limits of the country's freedom of speech act," said Ben Ari's aide, Itamar Ben Gvir.
"I pity those who clapped during [U.S. Vice President] Joe Biden's speech," said Ben Gvir, referring to Biden's address to the Israeli people at Tel Aviv University last week.
"By the end of Ben Arie's term we will teach those Leftists what democracy is," he added. "Obama is anti-Semitic, pro-Arab, an agent of the PLO and we stand behind what the poster says."
It's funny to see that even in other countries, anyone who disagrees with Obama are labled "far right activists".
Remember when Obama went to Cairo and apologized to the Muslim world for "dictating" solutions to other countries and promised to "forge partnerships" instead? A policy that applies to everyone except Israel. Remembe his stunning and obscene comparison of the holocaust with Palestinian dislocation?
Remember his U.N. General Assembly speech when he said, "The United States does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements,” putting Israel on the chopping block and reinforcing the myth that Israeli settlements are are solely responsible for Palestinian suffering and displacement.
Charles Krauthammer writes
Obama declared that the Palestinian people's "situation" is "intolerable." Indeed it is, the result of 60 years of Palestinian leadership that gave its people corruption, tyranny, religious intolerance and forced militarization; leadership that for three generations rejected every offer of independence and dignity, choosing destitution and despair rather than accept any settlement not accompanied by the extinction of Israel.
That's why Haj Amin al-Husseini chose war rather than a two-state solution in 1947. Why Yasser Arafat turned down a Palestinian state in 2000. And why Abbas rejected Olmert's even more generous December 2008 offer.
In the 16 years since the Oslo accords turned the West Bank and Gaza over to the Palestinians, their leaders built no roads, no courthouses, no hospitals, none of the fundamental state institutions that would relieve their people's suffering. Instead they poured everything into an infrastructure of war and terror, all the while depositing billions (from gullible Western donors) into their Swiss bank accounts
Blaming Israel and picking a fight over “natural growth” may curry favor with the Muslim “street.” But it will only induce the Arab states to do like Abbas: sit and wait for America to deliver Israel on a platter. Which makes the Obama strategy not just dishonorable but self-defeating.
Kucinich Caves After Ride In Air Force One
Dennis Kucinich - When it comes to pursuing trophy wives half his age, persevering, unrelenting, principled; When it comes to voting his conscience, not so much.
From the Cato Institute, Michael F. Cannon writes
Whether Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s (D-OH) “aye” vote will help pass ObamaCare depends on whether he asked for something in return.
Jane Hamsher of FireDogLake reports, “Kucinich told Obama that he wants a full ERISA waver [sic] and a public option in exchange for his vote.” If he gets either of those things in the reconciliation “fixer” bill, then that will trigger a backlash. His “support” could undermine the whole process.
It really depends on what kind of a negotiator Kucinich is. If he’s a good negotiator, it hurts ObamaCare. If he’s a lousy negotiator, it helps.
Here's the post on FireDogLake by Jane Hamsher (I wouldn't link to FDL even if you gave me Air Force One)
Kucinich told Obama that he wants a full ERISA waver and a public option in exchange for his vote. And if he actually gets an ERISA waver, it will be the biggest victory of the entire health care debate. As Jon Walker says, “ERISA is the 900 pound Gorilla that has fucked up America’s health care system something good.”
If on the other hand he settles for some worthless reassurances that “Obama will work toward it in the future” (which nobody but Lynn Woolsey is dumb enough to actually believe), or a meaningless symbolic vote that achieves little more than 15 minutes of futile grandstanding, good luck to him. A thousand people have donated over $16,000 to Dennis since yesterday to thank him for standing up for what he believes in. We’ll be asking him to return it.
March 15, 2010
Israeli Ambassador Says Crisis Between Israel And US 'Worst Since 1975'
From the Jerusalem Post
Wasn't this all over? Netanyahu apologized. He said the approval for the settlements wasn't timed to embarass Biden. He promised it wouldn't happen again. He promised construction wouldn't begin for years. And Biden was happy. If for no other reason than for once, he wasn't the one doing the apologizing.
And then Hillary called. And berated Neteyahu for 45 minutes. Netanyahu's response? "We will act according to the vital interests of the state of Israel," he said.
David Horowitz says
and asks
Which makes you wonder how the US would respond if Hamas were in Mexico?
From The Razor

Israeli intelligence officials said last year that Hamas had acquired Iranian made Fajr-3 rockets, with an estimated range of 45km. From a comparitive standpoint on the analogy made above, that would put New Orleans, Denver, Salt Lake City, and San Francisco in reach.
The Razor continues
A wise man once asked his 20 million daily listeners, "Why do you think Israel would attack Gaza? Is it for their national treasure? Is it because Israel wants all of the scientific discoveries that are being made by Hamas intellectuals? Is it because Israel wants that sand pit of territory? Israel was more than happy to give it away, so why the hell attack? What's there that you want? You want the oil deposits? There aren't any. Do you want the golf courses? There aren't any. Do you want the major economic infrastructure? There isn't any. Do you want the sanitation plants? There isn't any. Why attack? The Israelis left Gaza years ago. They gave Gaza to the Gazantas; they gave Gaza to the Hamas; they gave Gaza to the Palestinians. Why do you think Israel attacked Gaza? God gave you a mind. The fact is they didn't attack Gaza. Israel is finally defending itself."
Israel’s ambassador to Washington Michael Oren convened Foreign Ministry consuls for an emergency briefing, and told them the crisis between Israel and the US is the worst since 1975, Army Radio reported.
Oren was referring to a crisis that evolved when Israel refused to sign a treaty to withdraw forces from Sinai in 1975.
In an unusual move, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) made a public call on the White House to tone down the rhetoric. The lobby said statements made by senior officials in US President Barack Obama’s administration were “very worrying.”
Wasn't this all over? Netanyahu apologized. He said the approval for the settlements wasn't timed to embarass Biden. He promised it wouldn't happen again. He promised construction wouldn't begin for years. And Biden was happy. If for no other reason than for once, he wasn't the one doing the apologizing.
And then Hillary called. And berated Neteyahu for 45 minutes. Netanyahu's response? "We will act according to the vital interests of the state of Israel," he said.
David Horowitz says
The United States...knows full well the impact its secretary of state’s words will have in these contexts – liberating Israel’s critics to drastically escalate their diplomatic, legal and economic assaults, and potentially emboldening military enemies. Words in this neck of the woods have consequences – real, life-and-death consequences.
and asks
How can one reconcile the bitter, accusatory, public dressing-down – which will be seized upon so delightedly and exploited so effectively not merely by those who oppose Netanyahu, but by those who seek to damage Israel – with the insistent assurances, from Obama on down, including Biden last week, that the US commitment to Israel is unbreakable, that the partnership is unshakable, that the relationship, as Biden put it, is “impervious to any shifts in either country and either country’s partisan politics. No matter what challenges we face, this bond will endure”?
Which makes you wonder how the US would respond if Hamas were in Mexico?
From The Razor
I don’t think Americans appreciate how physically small Israel is. When we hear that Hamas is firing missiles with ranges of 20 km (12 miles) into Israel, it’s difficult to relate it to anything we know. After all 12 miles from the border of Mexico is less than 1% of the distance between the Mexican border in the south and the Canadian border in the north. With the exception of border cities like El Paso and San Diego, Kassams launched by Mexico would fall into scrubland and desert.
America is a large country and our geography determines much of how we think and relate to the world. Americans perceive of space differently – speaking as one taking 2 years to navigate the narrow aisles of a Japanese grocery store without knocking food off the shelves. Our country is big, our homes are big, our roads are long and wide. Two oceans protect our eastern and western shores, and we have neutralized our only military threat in the entire hemisphere – Cuba an island 90 miles away.
But things are different in Israel. Israel is a small, fragmented country surrounded by enemies. When people urge Israel to trade land for peace they fail to consider that Israel doesn’t have very much land to trade. Worse, while Israel gives its precious land away – as it has in Gaza and in south Lebanon – it receives nothing in return. Instead of peace its enemies quickly use the land as a staging area for more attacks in a quest to get even more land from Israel. In essence “Land for Peace” becomes ”Land for More Land”, a method of conquest of Israel by its enemies.
The 20km (the effective range of the 122mm Grad rocket) distance ranges between 2/3 and 1/7 the width of Israel. For argument’s sake I will use an average of 1/4. For perspective imagine that a quarter of the width of the USA from Mexico – 500 km (300 miles) – was under bombardment from our southern neighbor. What would a similar map look like?

Israeli intelligence officials said last year that Hamas had acquired Iranian made Fajr-3 rockets, with an estimated range of 45km. From a comparitive standpoint on the analogy made above, that would put New Orleans, Denver, Salt Lake City, and San Francisco in reach.
The Razor continues
We can go further. Israel’s population of 7.2 million is roughly 1/40 that of the United States. Multiplying the number of rocket and mortar casualties by 40 and the American equivalent is 12,000 dead and wounded. How much “restraint” could an American government be expected to exercise in such a scenario?
The old adage that one should wait to judge a man until after walking a mile in his shoes can help us appreciate the conditions of “peace” that Israel has lived under for most of the decade. We can only hope that the Israelis have the wisdom and fortitude necessary to do what it takes to protect itself. Given the performance of its current government, it has shown that until now it lacks both.
A wise man once asked his 20 million daily listeners, "Why do you think Israel would attack Gaza? Is it for their national treasure? Is it because Israel wants all of the scientific discoveries that are being made by Hamas intellectuals? Is it because Israel wants that sand pit of territory? Israel was more than happy to give it away, so why the hell attack? What's there that you want? You want the oil deposits? There aren't any. Do you want the golf courses? There aren't any. Do you want the major economic infrastructure? There isn't any. Do you want the sanitation plants? There isn't any. Why attack? The Israelis left Gaza years ago. They gave Gaza to the Gazantas; they gave Gaza to the Hamas; they gave Gaza to the Palestinians. Why do you think Israel attacked Gaza? God gave you a mind. The fact is they didn't attack Gaza. Israel is finally defending itself."
Obama Supports DNA Sampling Upon Arrest, Even For Misdemeanors

In an interview aired Saturday on “America’s Most Wanted,” Obama expressed strong agreement as host John Walsh extolled the virtues of collecting DNA at the time of an arrest and putting it into a single, national database.
“We have 18 states who are taking DNA upon arrest,” Walsh said. “It’s no different than fingerprinting or a booking photo. ... Since those states have been doing it, it has cleared 200 people that are innocent from jail.”
“It’s the right thing to do,” Obama replied. “This is where the national registry becomes so important, because what you have is individual states — they may have a database, but if they’re not sharing it with the state next door, you’ve got a guy from Illinois driving over into Indiana, and they’re not talking to each other.”
“It’s a horrible idea — tremendously invasive,” said Bill Quigley of the Center for Constitutional Rights, who also disputed Walsh’s claim that DNA is no different from fingerprints. “It’s like a hair sample, looking at your health care records and everything else,” Quigley said. “It’s like giving a blank check to the government — a blank check they can cash anytime they feel like it.”
Seems our costitutional scholar in-chief isn't the bold protector of civil liberties liberals thought he was. The one who refuses to release his college transcripts has no problem forcing citizens to submit to DNA sampling, citizens free until proven guilty, citizens who haven't been charged with a crime.
"I had learned not to care," he wrote. "I blew a few smoke rings, remembering those years. Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it. Not smack, though..."- Bill Ayers (writing as Barack Obama) - Dreams From My Father
Too bad there wasn't a system like this in place back in Barry's pothead days.

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