In a video message to Muslims preparing for the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, President Obama picked up where he left off in June. To the uninspiring and self-absorbed tripe he spewed in Cairo we can now add this Hallmark moment, where he cited (with a straight face) principles we have in common such as "Islam's role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings."
Anyone turning on a TV in the last 72 hours can see justice being done in Libya as people celebrate the release of a terrorist, convicted in the mass murder of 270 people: As for progress, in 1996, the Saudi Patent Office granted its first patent since its establishment in 1990 in contrast to the 670 patents that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office granted in the same year...to residents of Utah: Tolerance? Since September 11, 2001 there have been 13881 deadly attacks carried out by Islamic terrorists: The greatest indignity of Islam is it's treatment of women. This week a young girl who converted to Christianity, fled her family's home fearing of becoming yet one more victim of a "mercy killing." And where is she from? Just outside of Baghdad you say? Suburban Rusafah perhaps? Try Columbus Ohio.
Moving away from placing the US at the receiving end of the negative moral equivalence he demonstrated in Cairo, Obama has let his more giving nature take over. He previously chastised Muslims for their treatment of women while at the same time he was unable to resist placing similar blame on the United States, saying "the struggle for women's equality continues in many aspects of American life," no doubt equating Afghan girls having acid thrown in their face while walking to school to a women's lacrosse team in the US not receiving equal funding under Title IX. He talked about Jewish persecution on one hand and the Israeli "occupation" of Palestine on the other, attempting the obscene comparison of the holocaust with Palestinian dislocation (which occured as a result of Arab invasion) ignoring Israel's acceptance of the 1947 partition and Arafat's rejection of the Camp David offer in 2000. Now he tries to do the opposite by taking American values and ideals and projecting them onto the Islamic world, attempting to make them their own, with the same failed result.
You can watch the video here (Huffpost link, beware)
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