"The cardinal rule in Washington is if the other guy is committing suicide, get out of the way." - Charles Krauthammer
July 24, 2010
Debbie Halvorson - Will County Unemployment has Increased 24% on Your Watch
July 23, 2010
The Gravel Trap KO's Keith Olbermann

Here's a little exchange that I had with Keith Olbermann via Twitter. It started when redbloodedgirl called him out the hypocrisy of blaming Andrew Breitbart for Shirley Sherrod's firing, when the Obama Administration is the one that fired her, and ended when I asked for proof of his claim the Breitbart edited the video.
redbloodedgirl - @KeithOlbermann You're a joke. Breitbart airs the story so bears the blame, even though it is THIS ADMIN that FIRED HER based on story?At which point bathtub boy decided to take his toys and go home and blocked me. Evidently nothing at Cornell ever prepared Olbermann for the eventuality that someone might actually ask him to provide proof for his ridiculous claims. Olbermann's whole existence is about making unfounded attacks and habitually engaging in the exact type of behavior that he falsely accuses others of doing. Is anyone surprised that he rarely has any guests on who disagree with him? His entire show can be summed up as "Hi, I'm Keith Olbermann. I really hate Sarah Palin. And now, here's someone who agrees with me." The only practice he gets debating people are when Chris Matthews or Joe Scarborough prove him wrong, which, as I discovered, is almost disappointingly easy to do. He's turned into a sad, pathetic, bitter parody of himself so much that even Bill O'Reilly has stopped picking on him. But it doesn't stop his fellow libtards trashing him though. Daily Caller just released some more Journolist leaks with members calling Olbermann “sexist” and “misogynist,” mainly over his treatment of Carrie Prejean and Hillary Clinton. Some highlights:
KeithOlbermann - @redbloodedgirl Breitbart reedited the tape, slandered this good woman, you and WH fell for it. But Breitbart has the original sin.
mtjamesium - RT @Keitholbermann Breitbart reedited the tape / So I'm assuming you have proof of this, right? #tcot #gop #teaparty #Sherrod
Keitholbermann - @mtjamesium If he didn't, he simply disseminated tapes dishonestly edited by others, without checking. So he's either a miscreant or a fool.
mtjamesium - @KeithOlbermann Don't backpedal. You said @andrewbreitbart edited the tapes. Do you have proof or not? #tcot #gop #teaparty #sherrod
The Nation’s Katha Pollitt began the group’s rant. “He and Michael Musto did this whole long riff about beauty contestant Carrie “opposite marriage” Prejean’s breast implants, stupidity, breast implants, tacky clothes, earrings, breast implants. They went on and on about how she was “part plastic” and pathetic. You’d think they were celibate vegans who spent their lives zen meditating. It was just a whole TV humiliation of her, and it made me feel sorry for her, which wasn’t easy,” Pollitt said.
…Julian Zelizer, a Princeton professor and CNN contributor, said Olbermann’s root problem is his misogyny. “I can’t take him anytime. I think to write off his mysogyny as limited to Musto is just not accurate. That very much defined much of how he talked about Clinton as well as others.”
Not the Face!! Not the Face!! Cleric Offers Common Sense Advice on Wife Beating
"America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles -- principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings."-Barack Hussein Obama
"My job is to communicate the fact that the United States has a stake in the well-being of the Muslim world, that the language we use has to be a language of respect. I have Muslim members of my family. I have lived in Muslim countries. My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy. We sometimes make mistakes. We have not been perfect."
"Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. Meanwhile, the struggle for women's equality continues in many aspects of American life, and in countries around the world."
Muslim Cleric Puts Cartoonist Molly Norris on Execution Hit List
From The New York Daily News
Read the rest.
A CHARISMATIC terror leader linked to the botched Times Square car bomb has placed the Seattle cartoonist who launched "Everybody Draw Muhammed Day" on an execution hit list.
Yemeni-American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki - the radical who has also been cited as inspiring the Fort Hood, Tex., massacre and the plot by two New Jersey men to kill U.S. soldiers - singled out artist Molly Norris as a "prime target," saying her "proper abode is hellfire."
FBI officials have notified Norris and warned her they consider it a "very serious threat."
In an English-language Al Qaeda magazine that calls itself "Inspire," Awlaki damns Norris and eight others for "blasphemous caricatures" of the Prophet Muhammed. The other cartoonists, authors and journalists in Awlaki's cross hairs are Swedish, Dutch and British citizens.
The 67-page terror rag is seen by terrorism experts as a bald new attempt to reach and recruit Muslim youth in the West.
Read the rest.

July 22, 2010
Debbie Halvorson Tries to Attack Adam Kinzinger's Military Service Record

From the Southtown Star
Dirt won't stick to clean captain
July 20, 2010Anyone who has followed Debbie Halvorson for any length of time is familiar with her contradictions. She boasts how she will stand up to Obama, then caves on cap and trade. She proclaims constituent service to be her main focus, yet refuses to meet with her constituents. She said she wouldn't vote for a health care bill that added to the deficit, yet she relied on budget gimmickry and ignored the CBO confirmation that the “doctor fix” will add billions to the deficit. She agreed to debates and is now back in hiding. Given that she is always boasting how she's the only Representative from Illinois to sit on the Veterans' Affairs Committee, should we be surprised at her attempt to discredit Adam Kinzinger's impressive service record? The answer, sadly, is no. Debbie Halvorson is simply doing what Debbie Halvorson does best; saying one thing in her district, and doing something entirely different when she returns to Washington.
In war, truth is the first casualty. - Aeschylus. It's full-on warfare. Adam Kinzinger should know that. The young Air Force pilot is battling for a seat in the U.S. Congress, and U.S. Rep. Debbie Halvorson (D-11th) isn't going down without a fight.
But yes, we do believe there must be rules of engagement.
And because these particular attacks are specious, we think that Kinzinger, a 32-year-old captain in the Air Force Reserve, deserves a little defense after his opponent tried to explode him with a Mark Kirk hand grenade.
The issue of military credentials, you'll remember, first blew up earlier this summer when U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk (R-10th) was found to be overstating his military honors.
So Halvorson's campaign took out its own magnifying glass in search of cracks in this captain's clean veneer.
Here's the e-mail from Halvorson campaign manager Travis Worl looking for some dirty stuff:
To: Campbell, John E CIV USAF AFSOC AFSOC/A1
Subject: Captain Adam Kinzinger
Sir - Thank you for speaking with me.
I am researching Cap. Adam Kinzinger who on his public bio claims to serve with the Air Force Special Operations Command as a pilot. There seems to have been some contradictory statements so I am just looking for clarification.
In January of this year, he publicly stated that in a questionnaire:
"I now serve as a captain in the United States Air Force Special Operations Command flying reconnaissance aircraft." Is that correct? If so, did he fly reconnaissance aircraft? If not, was he ever attached to AFSOC to fly other kinds of aircraft? If so, what kind?
And the answer:
From: AFSOC/PA Public Affairs
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 2:11 PM
Mr Worl,
This is in reference to your request to verify information on Capt Kinzinger. ...
Although the statement as it's written below is incorrect, Capt Kinzinger supported AFSOC assigned to the 745th Special Operations Squadron from March-June 2008 and March-May 2009 in Iraq in which he did fly reconnaissance aircraft.
So here's the "incorrect" part:
After flying more than 100 special ops missions the past two years, he came home again, likely temporarily.
Like a union painter on a furlough - can she call herself a painter? Like a teacher in the summer - can he call himself a teacher? Like a freelance rhino writer in between trips to Africa - can he call himself a National Geographic contributor?
And as so often happens in contemporary work and warfare, eventually the "is" turned to "was" in the course of this campaign. And Kinzinger says he has nothing to defend.
He said the biography listed on his campaign Web site was accurate when it was written. And if he were to be called back up again it's likely that same work would resume.
"Going from an honorable military servant to a fraud ... they're trying to place that seed in people's minds, and there's no reason to do it. It's absolutely wrong," Kinzinger said.
We agree. Kinzinger's military record is impressive, it's solid, and it deserves respect, not denigration.
Halvorson should battle for the issues she believes in, not drag a worthy opponent through the muck and mire.
Edit - Hey Travis, the correct abbreviation for Captain is Capt. not Cap. It's an officer in the United States Military, not the first name in a sugary breakfast cereal. But I'm sure Debbie Halvorson's reelection bid is still safe in your hands. As long as you can pronounce corpsman correctly.
July 21, 2010
Reuters; Race Issues Beset Obama's "Post-Racial" Presidency

From Reuters
Many supporters of Barack Obama hoped his election as America's first black president might herald an era of post-racial politics, but race has been an issue his administration just can't seem to avoid.Here's a sobering thought; If Obama can be fooled so easily by Andrew Breitbart, what chance does he have against Putin, Chavez, or Ahmadinejad?
Division and tension between black and white Americans has cropped up repeatedly over Obama's 18 months in office, hurting his popularity and distracting from his political agenda.
The issue surfaced this week when the Agriculture Department pushed a black official to resign after allegations she discriminated against a white farmer, only to apologize a day later for acting too quickly and without the facts.
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