Here's a little exchange that I had with Keith Olbermann via Twitter. It started when redbloodedgirl called him out the hypocrisy of blaming Andrew Breitbart for Shirley Sherrod's firing, when the Obama Administration is the one that fired her, and ended when I asked for proof of his claim the Breitbart edited the video.
redbloodedgirl - @KeithOlbermann You're a joke. Breitbart airs the story so bears the blame, even though it is THIS ADMIN that FIRED HER based on story?At which point bathtub boy decided to take his toys and go home and blocked me. Evidently nothing at Cornell ever prepared Olbermann for the eventuality that someone might actually ask him to provide proof for his ridiculous claims. Olbermann's whole existence is about making unfounded attacks and habitually engaging in the exact type of behavior that he falsely accuses others of doing. Is anyone surprised that he rarely has any guests on who disagree with him? His entire show can be summed up as "Hi, I'm Keith Olbermann. I really hate Sarah Palin. And now, here's someone who agrees with me." The only practice he gets debating people are when Chris Matthews or Joe Scarborough prove him wrong, which, as I discovered, is almost disappointingly easy to do. He's turned into a sad, pathetic, bitter parody of himself so much that even Bill O'Reilly has stopped picking on him. But it doesn't stop his fellow libtards trashing him though. Daily Caller just released some more Journolist leaks with members calling Olbermann “sexist” and “misogynist,” mainly over his treatment of Carrie Prejean and Hillary Clinton. Some highlights:
KeithOlbermann - @redbloodedgirl Breitbart reedited the tape, slandered this good woman, you and WH fell for it. But Breitbart has the original sin.
mtjamesium - RT @Keitholbermann Breitbart reedited the tape / So I'm assuming you have proof of this, right? #tcot #gop #teaparty #Sherrod
Keitholbermann - @mtjamesium If he didn't, he simply disseminated tapes dishonestly edited by others, without checking. So he's either a miscreant or a fool.
mtjamesium - @KeithOlbermann Don't backpedal. You said @andrewbreitbart edited the tapes. Do you have proof or not? #tcot #gop #teaparty #sherrod
The Nation’s Katha Pollitt began the group’s rant. “He and Michael Musto did this whole long riff about beauty contestant Carrie “opposite marriage” Prejean’s breast implants, stupidity, breast implants, tacky clothes, earrings, breast implants. They went on and on about how she was “part plastic” and pathetic. You’d think they were celibate vegans who spent their lives zen meditating. It was just a whole TV humiliation of her, and it made me feel sorry for her, which wasn’t easy,” Pollitt said.
…Julian Zelizer, a Princeton professor and CNN contributor, said Olbermann’s root problem is his misogyny. “I can’t take him anytime. I think to write off his mysogyny as limited to Musto is just not accurate. That very much defined much of how he talked about Clinton as well as others.”
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