January 18, 2010

Judicial Candidate Michalowski's Campaign Strategy; Hang Out At Bus Stop, Pray

I thought judges were supposed to be ambitious, or at least sensible.

As voters we tend to view judicial elections with far less importance than other offices. Everyone talks about their favorite candidates for the House and Senate (even in other states), yet few seem as concerned with choosing an official with whom you may actually come into contact with, who will stand between you and your neighbor, or you and your state.

For all the authority Pat Quinn may have, he will never decide on visitation rights for my children. No matter how much influence Debbie Halvorson may have, she will never make a decision on how much to fine me for a traffic ticket. And for all of the power that President Obama has, he will never rule on a dispute between me and my psychotic, mentally unhinged next door neighbour.

History, factual and anecdotal, as well as daytime television, is full of stories of judges who are not only competent, but also compassionate and humane, capable of understanding and meting out both justice and mercy, with a desire to seek out the truth.

As I looked at a sample ballot, I realized that I knew absolutely nothing of the candidates running. So I took a look at one race, the Vacancy of the Hon. Ronald C. Riley in the Cook County Circuit Court. Turns out there are 7 Democrats running and zero Republicans. Which isn't that big of a deal since we're supposed to be more concerned with judicial temperament than partisanship and it is after all, Chicago. So according to Illinoisjudges.net the candidates are

- Sandra G. Ramos
- Website: http://www.ramosforjudge.com/
- Response to the Chicago Tribune Questionnaire
- Rated "Not Recommended" by the Chicago Bar Association
- Rated "Not Qualified" by the Chicago Council of Lawyers
- Rated "Qualified" by the Illinois State Bar Association

- Russell William Hartigan
- Response to ICJL Questionnaire
- Candidate Resume
- Website: http://www.russellwhartiganforjudge.com/
- Campaign Committee: Committee to Elect Russell W Hartigan
- Response to the Chicago Tribune Questionnaire
- Rated "Highly Qualified" by the Chicago Bar Association
- Rated "Qualified" by the Chicago Council of Lawyers
- Rated "Highly Qualified" by the Illinois State Bar Association
- Endorsed by the Chicago Tribune

- James Michael Bailey
- Website: http://www.baileyforjudge.org/
- Campaign Committee: Citizens for James Michael Bailey
- Response to the Chicago Tribune Questionnaire
- Rated "Qualified" by the Chicago Bar Association
- Rated "Qualified" by the Chicago Council of Lawyers
- Rated "Qualified" by the Illinois State Bar Association

- John Patrick Nyhan
- Campaign Committee: Citizens for John Patrick Nyhan
- Rated "Not Recommended" by the Chicago Bar Association
- Rated "Not Recommended" by the Chicago Council of Lawyers
- Rated "Not Qualified" by the Illinois State Bar Association

- Edmund Paul Michalowski
- Website: http://www.edmichalowski.com/
- Campaign Committee: Friends of Ed Michalowski
- Rated "Not Recommended" by the Chicago Bar Association
- Rated "Not Recommended" by the Chicago Council of Lawyers
- Rated "Not Qualified" by the Illinois State Bar Association

- Marvin W. Gray
- Response to ICJL Questionnaire
- Candidate Resume
- Website: http://www.marvingray.com/
- Campaign Committee: Citizens to Elect Marvin W Gray
- Response to the Chicago Tribune Questionnaire
- Rated "Not Recommended" by the Chicago Bar Association
- Rated "Qualified" by the Chicago Council of Lawyers
- Rated "Qualified" by the Illinois State Bar Association

- Tracey J. Stokes
- Campaign Committee: Committee to Elect Tracey J. Stokes
- Response to the Chicago Tribune Questionnaire
- Rated "Highly Qualified" by the Chicago Bar Association
- Rated "Qualified" by the Chicago Council of Lawyers
- Rated "Qualified" by the Illinois State Bar Association

- Cook County Democratic Party: Ramos
- Independent Voters of Illinois (IVI-IPO): Hartigan
- Chicago Federation of Labor: Bailey
- Personal PAC: Hartigan
- Fraternal Order of Police - Chicago Lodge 7: Bailey
- Illinois Committee for Honest Government: Stokes

Now I would think that most people could safely rule out the "not qualified" and "not recommended" candidates right away, even without knowing what those ratings mean specifically in regards to the election. But, being a little more curious and wishing to give some benefit of the doubt I scrolled down and saw more detailed information. For example, regarding Michalowski, it says

"Edmund Paul Michalowski refused to be evaluated. He is Not Recommended for the Circuit Court."
"the candidate declined to participate in the Judicial Evaluation Committee (JEC) screening process and, therefore, according to The Chicago Bar Association's governing resolution for the JE, is automatically found NOT RECOMMENDED."
Now there may be perfectly good reasons for all of this, and then again maybe not. For me the decision is made when I scroll down and see the entry for candidate Hartigan;

"Russell W. Hartigan is "Highly Qualified" for the office of Circuit Court Judge. Mr. Hartigan was admitted to practice law in Illinois in 1976. He has practiced a wide range of complex civil litigation matters. He has tried a variety of civil jury trials. He is respected by his peers and possesses an excellent temperament. The committee finds he is “Highly Qualified” to serve as a Circuit Court Judge."

At least I'll remember who not to vote for. He has the longest name. And the shortest qualifications.

Read more here

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