From the Southtown Star
Dirt won't stick to clean captain
July 20, 2010Anyone who has followed Debbie Halvorson for any length of time is familiar with her contradictions. She boasts how she will stand up to Obama, then caves on cap and trade. She proclaims constituent service to be her main focus, yet refuses to meet with her constituents. She said she wouldn't vote for a health care bill that added to the deficit, yet she relied on budget gimmickry and ignored the CBO confirmation that the “doctor fix” will add billions to the deficit. She agreed to debates and is now back in hiding. Given that she is always boasting how she's the only Representative from Illinois to sit on the Veterans' Affairs Committee, should we be surprised at her attempt to discredit Adam Kinzinger's impressive service record? The answer, sadly, is no. Debbie Halvorson is simply doing what Debbie Halvorson does best; saying one thing in her district, and doing something entirely different when she returns to Washington.
In war, truth is the first casualty. - Aeschylus. It's full-on warfare. Adam Kinzinger should know that. The young Air Force pilot is battling for a seat in the U.S. Congress, and U.S. Rep. Debbie Halvorson (D-11th) isn't going down without a fight.
But yes, we do believe there must be rules of engagement.
And because these particular attacks are specious, we think that Kinzinger, a 32-year-old captain in the Air Force Reserve, deserves a little defense after his opponent tried to explode him with a Mark Kirk hand grenade.
The issue of military credentials, you'll remember, first blew up earlier this summer when U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk (R-10th) was found to be overstating his military honors.
So Halvorson's campaign took out its own magnifying glass in search of cracks in this captain's clean veneer.
Here's the e-mail from Halvorson campaign manager Travis Worl looking for some dirty stuff:
To: Campbell, John E CIV USAF AFSOC AFSOC/A1
Subject: Captain Adam Kinzinger
Sir - Thank you for speaking with me.
I am researching Cap. Adam Kinzinger who on his public bio claims to serve with the Air Force Special Operations Command as a pilot. There seems to have been some contradictory statements so I am just looking for clarification.
In January of this year, he publicly stated that in a questionnaire:
"I now serve as a captain in the United States Air Force Special Operations Command flying reconnaissance aircraft." Is that correct? If so, did he fly reconnaissance aircraft? If not, was he ever attached to AFSOC to fly other kinds of aircraft? If so, what kind?
And the answer:
From: AFSOC/PA Public Affairs
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 2:11 PM
Mr Worl,
This is in reference to your request to verify information on Capt Kinzinger. ...
Although the statement as it's written below is incorrect, Capt Kinzinger supported AFSOC assigned to the 745th Special Operations Squadron from March-June 2008 and March-May 2009 in Iraq in which he did fly reconnaissance aircraft.
So here's the "incorrect" part:
After flying more than 100 special ops missions the past two years, he came home again, likely temporarily.
Like a union painter on a furlough - can she call herself a painter? Like a teacher in the summer - can he call himself a teacher? Like a freelance rhino writer in between trips to Africa - can he call himself a National Geographic contributor?
And as so often happens in contemporary work and warfare, eventually the "is" turned to "was" in the course of this campaign. And Kinzinger says he has nothing to defend.
He said the biography listed on his campaign Web site was accurate when it was written. And if he were to be called back up again it's likely that same work would resume.
"Going from an honorable military servant to a fraud ... they're trying to place that seed in people's minds, and there's no reason to do it. It's absolutely wrong," Kinzinger said.
We agree. Kinzinger's military record is impressive, it's solid, and it deserves respect, not denigration.
Halvorson should battle for the issues she believes in, not drag a worthy opponent through the muck and mire.
Edit - Hey Travis, the correct abbreviation for Captain is Capt. not Cap. It's an officer in the United States Military, not the first name in a sugary breakfast cereal. But I'm sure Debbie Halvorson's reelection bid is still safe in your hands. As long as you can pronounce corpsman correctly.
I don't know who Debbie Halvorson is but she appears to give a whole new meaning to the "B" and "C" word By her comments.I would guess she Wishes secretly that she were a Man. Too bad Debbie but you are stuck with the ugly person you are. Captain Adam Kinzinger is a hero in more ways than one.. He served in the USAF, achieved Captain at an early age, Survived his missions. He is Incredible handsome and a hero on the streets of Ill. What's your claim to fame Debbie? Are you pissed because you would like to date Adam and you are not on his menu?
ReplyDeleteGet a life and just maybe someday you'll get lucky........H.D.
Uh I think all women wish we were men. Being a woman honestly sucks.
DeleteIn Reference:
ReplyDeleteThe "B" word I am referring to is : Belligerent (Ready to fight / aggressive / Hostile)
The "C" word I am referring to is:
Contempt (Showing Contempt / Dislike / Hateful)
Her step-son is a special operations veteran so this seems hypocritical.
ReplyDeleteAlso Kinzinger is not that good looking... I think you may be over estimating his appeal to the opposite sex
ReplyDeleteOn information and belief, Kinzinger is neither handsome, honorable, or a hero.
DeleteHowever, he is an opportunistic REMF [look it up] who takes liberties and honors that he is not entitled to. He seeks to align himself or give an AFSOC alpha’s inference, but when weighed, tried, and tested, he falls miserably short in so many ways.
America, you know the type and AF, you know I have Kinzinger properly bracketed. He would not be allowed out after dark in the sandbox. Kinzinger wants so much to be a big boy or girl but cannot let go of his passy.
One wonders how the AF fell on such hard times that it chose a boot licker political science major over a hard science type. Kinzinger lives up to the Peter Principle, graduating nowhere near the top of his AF class and relegated to co-pilot a flying gas tank.
No offense, AF, but you know the type, and you more than know what I am saying. Real pilots fly a single seat, and Kinzinger is not to be trusted.
Kinzinger is just another pretentious pompous assed 05.
Now you may ask, what has Kinzinger done to evoke such disdain. All you good folks out there swooning and following this moron should be more discriminating in your choice.
Sure, follow a leader. . . Kinzinger is not one.
Honor heroes, Kinzinger is not that either.
Praise a veteran, unless they are [this] self-aggrandizing BOLO Badge chaser with no intestinal fortitude or loyalty to anyone but themselves. You do not have to look far to see that Kinzinger is nothing more than a choreographed piece of filth.
Kinzinger does not get a pass because of prior military service because he sullied any aspect of honor with his service claims’ falsity. He is a pathetic poser.
Kinzinger speaks loftily about protecting the Constitution, but he is full of excrement. He is a coward, with no more capacity to defend the Constitution than the man in the moon. He is merely taking on airs, much like his “Top Gun” posting.
Just as quickly as he incorporated the Special Operations community into his narrative, he does the same with all his claims. Simply put, he is a lying coward.
Those choosing false indignation over my taking Kinzinger to the woodshed, I say join and serve under Kinzinger’ s type. It would take you a short minute and a half to realize most decent folk would not walk across the street to piss on his teeth if his face were on fire. He is a fake to the nth degree, fools gold.
As long as America abides deceitful, self-serving pieces of garbage like Kinzinger in leadership roles, we will continue to spin in the wind.
Kinzinger, please resign your commission, retire from politics, get a job and build genuine character. America, send Kinzinger home. He does not deserve your admiration or trust.
God Bless America, the United States Air Force, and its real Special Operations Community.